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File Created: 24-Feb-2012 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  09-Apr-2012 by George Owsiacki (GO)

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Name FEVER, TON Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 103P072
Status Showing NTS Map 103P13E, 103P13W
Latitude 055º 45' 04'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 129º 44' 26'' Northing 6178628
Easting 453510
Commodities Copper, Silver, Zinc, Gold, Molybdenum Deposit Types I05 : Polymetallic veins Ag-Pb-Zn+/-Au
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Plutonic Rocks, Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Fever occurrence is located south of the Cambria Icefield, about 25 kilometres southeast of Stewart.

The majority of outcrop on the property consists of coarse grained hornblende biotite granodiorite belonging to the Eocene Coast Plutonic Complex. In the southern and western portion of the property, coarse to medium-grained granodiorite and diorite occur; this unit is commonly epidotized and chloritized. Along the eastern boundary of the property, the plutonic rocks are in contact with hornfelsed siltstones and argillites of the Jurassic Hazelton Group. These sediments contain anywhere from 1 to 15 per cent fine grained disseminated pyrite and/or pyrrhotite.

A rock grab sample (331045) consisting of a stockwork of quartz microveins mineralized with chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybdenite is hosted in granodiorite. The sample assayed 2.0 per cent copper, 50.2 grams per tonne silver, 0.16 per cent zinc and 0.17 gram per tonne gold (Assessment Report 24744).

In 1990, geological mapping was conducted concurrently with a stream sediment survey on the Ton claims on behalf of Canadian Cariboo Resources Ltd. A total of forty silt stream sediment samples were collected from the property. In 1995, Camnor Resources Ltd. conducted exploration consisting of helicopter stream sediment sampling, followed by prospecting, rough geological mapping and rock sampling of anomalies. A total of 36 stream sediment silt samples and 11 rock samples were collected.

EMPR OF 1986-2; 1994-14
GSC MAP 307A; 315A; 1385A
GSC OF 864; 2996